Thursday, February 21, 2008

A Happy Birthday it today?
Yes it is
No...maybe not
Oh what the heck does it matter
I will call

Eyes drooping, begging for rest
But Wait its just 11:57
3 more minutes to go
Oh what the heck does it matter
I will call

Called early, beat the queue
Should have said more
Should have said less maybe
Oh what the heck does it matter
I did call

Shouldn't discuss you with others
Shouldn't reveal history
Like always, did what I shouldn't
Oh what the heck does it matter
I shall lie

Lie I did, oh how I suck at it!
Angry and restless
Zoomed through it, without explanation
Oh what the heck does it matter
They wouldn't see

Stalking the shelves of past
found myself green
No, this cant happen, shouldn't happen
Oh what the heck does it matter
I won't crack

Cracking and crashing
found my way to the crust
trembling hands reaching for it
No. It doesn't matter anymore
the crust has crumbled and is no more

1 comment:

Lyrical Craziness Personified said...

title is an oxymoron!! :) Thank you!