Thursday, November 27, 2008


Every one has something to say about this. I do too.

I was walking back home last night. It was 1 AM. I saw a man coming towards me. He was wearing a blue t-shirt and a jacket with the hood on. He had long hair and was well built.
There are about 20 terrorists roaming around in Mumbai, free and carrying AK 47s.
I quickly figured, in case of a possible assault, I won’t be able to beat him.
I saw him pass me. We both stared at each other and moved on. But I looked back; just to check if he was taking out an AK 47 to shoot me.
I live in a housing society, which has a decent security system.
I was surprised at what happened. The pacifier was not the faith in the stranger but the faith in the security of the society. Isn’t this very strange?

I can’t understand the rationale behind some reactions I have heard.

Some say we are making a big deal out of it just because its Mumbai, Kashmir has seen terror for decades now.

For all that its worth, a 100 people dying for no real reason, is a tragedy, wherever it is. The horror in one situation cannot lessen the other. Whether its Kashmir, Iraq or Mumbai, dead people are dead people, aren’t they?
It seems like the most obvious thing, why deny it? To sound cool and fearless? In front of whom?

Some said the media is hyping things to sensationalize and spread fear. It’s the same monotonous thing they show every 10 mins.

Sensational or not, it is news. It’s information coming in spite of extreme danger in the areas. I don’t really agree with the tone of some of the reporters, but over all, I’m glad some one was there doing it for me, and I got to see it.

Then the most annoying ones and also the biggest in number are those who harp about ‘Mumbai spirit’. These people claim that the aim of the terrorists is creating fear and we shouldn’t give in. hence we should carry on with our lives like it’s any other normal day.

First of all, to think that these fidaians, who volunteered to kill and die so that they go to paradise, would have a motive it self is giving them immense respect.

A news channel showed a couple with a 6 month kid taking a family walk along chowpathi. The journalist asked them why they were out and why did not staying in doors, to this, they responded, that they wouldn’t want to sacrifice their enjoyment because of terrorism, then the terrorists’ motive would be achieved. If they had been shot then and there, the reason for their death would be stupidity. The army and Navy are in the city for gods sake, that means situation is not normal. Is that so difficult to understand?

I have no clue who did this and for what reason. I know this; there are people with guns roaming around in police jeeps randomly shooting at people. The police and the army are trying to catch them. In the middle of all this, the civilian public is not the focus of the situation. No body cares at least while the battle is still on, whether you give in to fear or not. The only focus right now would be keeping everyone safe.

I’m sitting in my office today. I’m here to work on a presentation that NEEDS to be finished. It’s a red coloured template, with a big ‘[V]’ written in the right hand bottom corner. I’m trying to establish the habits of the core TG, so that the channel can be more relevant.
I give two hoots about it right now. So I am pretending to work. Typing furiously, staring at me monitor.
It seems like just another day, people ordering for omelets and discussing GRPs, but its strange sitting here pretending like it’s just another day. There is an excitement and curiosity all around, to see the story unfold further. More action, more news.
Every one is a little worn out though. Two days of continuous NDTV coverage can do this to anyone, where Barkha Dutt is telling us that we must remain stoic.


Lyrical Craziness Personified said...

I don't think I know anything anymore...

as in the aftermath of any anomaly, there is a sudden deluge of opinions, facts, views, news- most labeled wrong.

I am just numb... i will write you a mail at leisure about the whole write.

but mebbe then you would have moved on to where it would'nt hurt as much anymore...

Numb Assembly said...

I would attempt to not move on to indefference. I have not, yet.
Do write.