Friday, May 29, 2009

I whined, and did not dine

Lesson of the day,
that I learnt the hard way

Pack, squeeze, shut and lift
dust, swab, sweep and sift

Two bins full, and a broken shelf
This while I indulge, in pity for self

You have to move your kit
But none else gives a shit

I hate to sound whiny
But the boxes aren't tiny

Indifference. Anger it did provoke
Then a voice, from within thus spoke

Adam for Adam, and Eve for Eve
Gospel it is, then why the peeve?

I guess I expect much from friends
But it's fine. considering, well it all ends


K. said...

Thank God for rhyming. I'm so over 'modern' timing. Without cadence there is no fun. No fun, no fun, no fun, no fun.

Numb Assembly said...


So right you are

C said...

More bloggings, pliss.

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